Board of Directors

  • Cheryl Martin is a proud Pindjarup woman and a Traditional Custodian. She has a strong historic and ancient connection to most of the southwest of Western Australia.

    Cheryl is a well-respected leader in the Noongar community, with vast experience in cultural governance. She is passionate about engaging in co-operative and joint management of the conservation estate, developing heritage programs, and identifying economic development opportunities for all Noongar people.

  • John Penny is a Noongar man from the Southwest. He is passionate about and proud of Noongar culture and working with community to build a better future for the next generation.

    John would like to see our mob become more self-sufficient by obtaining opportunities in employment, training, and owning businesses in our community.

    He has extensive experience in community engagement and project management, with qualifications in Indigenous mentoring, career development, employment services, finance management, cultural awareness, corporate governance and project management.

  • Michael Cartledge is a proud Noongar man who grew up on Whadjuk country, with family connections to Gnaala Karla Booja, Whadjuk and Yued country. His mother was part of the Stolen Generations. His grandfather’s surname was Jackson, and his great grandmother’s was Blurton.

    Michael has worked with the State Government for over 13 years and has a broad range of skills and experience across finance, strategic planning, corporate management, compliance and risk management.

    He is passionate about advocating for strong, positive outcomes for Aboriginal people and their families.

  • Anne Donaldson is a professional non-executive director with extensive experience on boards and committees. Current board membership includes GP DownSouth, Mental Health Foundation Australia, Member (Trustee) RUAH, ECU Human Research Ethics Committee and immediate past Board member of Child and Adolescent Health Service.

    Anne brings over 35 years’ experience in health and human services in metropolitan and regional Western Australia in senior executive, and CEO positions. She has successfully led organisations through major change, project management and commissioning of capital works, financial and operational governance. This experience includes working and engaging with communities and stakeholders to successfully support agreement on policy change and service delivery within communities.

  • (M.Ed GAICD) is a an experienced non-executive director with a history of leading policy reform, service delivery and community development across government, community and university sectors in gender equality, cultural diversity and human rights.

    Maria has held senior executive positions in Government, and was an Australian delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women and the UN World Conference on Racism.

  • Leanne Kickett is a proud Noongar yorga from Wilman Boodja with deep connections throughout the south-west.

    As CEO of Keedac, the leading Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation in the Wheatbelt, Leanne is dedicated to realising the Closing the Gap Report's goals.

    Leanne’s vision is clear: empower our mob through cultural identity, tailored education, and safe, sustainable employment and together, we'll shape a brighter future that honours our traditions and strengthens our community.

The first member-elected directors began their term at the end of the first general meeting, which was held on 16 July 2022 in Bunbury.

Cultural Advice Committee

The cultural advice committee (CAC) is made up of Elders who consider matters relevant to culture, and make decisions to promote and protect our cultural interests.

Download: GKB CAC Policy - February 2024 (1.7MB)

Video courtesy of the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council

Female members of our cultural advice committee: Lera Bennell and Shirley Viti (term ends July 2025), Charne Hayden and Denise Jetta (term ends AGM 2026), Annette Gartlett and Charmaine Williams (term ends AGM 2027).

Male members of our cultural advice committee: Faron Winwood and Gavin McGuire (term ends July 2025), Dean Wynne and James Khan (term ends July 2027), Johnie Hart and Markques Ugle (term ends AGM 2027).